
Let’s talk adoption.

If you’ve known me for sometime, you will know that my heart is crushed for orphans and adoption. I have always known (since middle school) that one day I will adopt a child. However, I had no idea I would feel called so early in life to pursue it. I always thought I would be a little older and already have a biological child. I think I was wrong. Lately, I’ve felt this huge calling from God to start exploring the possibility of adoption.

Britt and I have not had the blessing of conceiving our first child so I started praying hard. I never thought the answer to my prayers may not be what I thought. I feel like everyday God is saying “Kelly, what are you doing? Why aren’t you listening to my call?” Ok God, I get it.

So Britt and I starting talking more seriously about it. A few years ago when I told Britt that one day, I will adopt, he was a little hesitant. I prayed each night that God would plant the seed in his heart and He has! It makes my heart full of joy that Britt has gotten on board with adoption! We know that we are young and have a lot of learning and growing to do, but I can’t wait to start the process. Our church, North Metro Church in Marietta, GA, has a love for adoption and it’s amazing! They have an adoption group that Britt and I are starting to get involved in and can’t wait to being our journey with them.

NMC is also hosting a Discover Bethany meeting September 9 that we will be attending to get more information on Bethany Christian Services. I hope that will lead us in the right direction and give us insight on what the process is like.

I am so overwhelmed as I start looking into what goes on in the adoption process. There is so much to learn and find out. If we decide to start this right now, we have a lot to decide on and do. International? If so, what country? Domestic? Open or closed? We know that we have plenty of time before we officially say if we’re in the right time of our lives, but it’s still amazing to think about and I get so happy thinking that we may be saving a life of a sweet angel that doesn’t have a mom or dad. I can’t wait!

We are thrilled for this journey and can’t wait to see what The Lord has in store for us. We know it’s good 🙂

Now I want to hear from you. Have you adopted? Are you thinking about it? Is it normal to feel so overwhelmed? Is 26 and 28 too young??
